One Pagers

From research to community advocacy, Commission Shift is

criss-crossing the state to advance our mission

Our one-pagers and brochures offer quick overviews of key topics related to oil and gas in Texas, including orphaned wells;  carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS); conflicts of interest in oil and gas oversight; and oil and gas waste pits. Check them out here!

Orphaned & Inactive Wells in Texas

Carbon Capture and Storage in Texas

Conflicts of Interest in Texas Oil & Gas Oversight

Oil & Gas Waste Pits

These brochures are also available in Spanish.

Pozos huérfanos y abandonados en Texas
Captura y almacenamiento de carbono en Texas
Conflictos de interés en la supervisión del petróleo y el gas en Texas
Vertederos de pétroleo y gas

Legislative Briefing: HB 4557 — Relating to liability for capturing and storing CO2

HB 4557 would have made it very difficult for someone injured by a carbon capture facility, carbon pipeline, or carbon dioxide injection well to make any claims for “non-economic damages” which include loss of consortium, disfigurement, physical impairment and more. People who have been impacted by CO2 pipeline explosions in other states have experienced loss of consortium and physical impairments.

This legislative briefing was prepared during the 88th Legislative Session in 2023. 

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Glossary of Terms: Orphaned Wells

Learn the difference between orphaned wells, inactive wells, abandoned wells, and “P-13” wells.

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Responsible Carbon Management Plan

Read about our 15 CCUS policy proposals that community members and advocates can demand for public health, safety, and accountability.

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